100 Club

The 100 Club is a monthly ‘Draw’ Competition
and costs £5 per month to enter. 40% of all takings goes towards Club Funds and the remaining 60% is paid out as per the details shown. If you wish to enter please download the Standing Order Mandate and hand to any Committee Member. Thank you and good luck!

Click on this link to download the Standing Order form & then open from your download folder.

Complete form & forward to info@margatelawntennis.co.uk
or give to Lynn Giles or another Committee Member. Thank you.

The Aug/Sep 2024 draw will take place at the next committee meeting.
July 24
1st = £50 Chris Tomes
2nd = £28 Geoff Cox
3rd = £15 Nick Elms
June 24
1st = £50 Chris Warren
2nd = £28 Sandra Buckmaster
3rd = £15 Diana Furgeson
May 24
1st = £50 Carla Warden
2nd = £28 Wendy Munday
3rd = £15 James Walvin
April 24
1st = £50 John Hills
2nd = £28 Sharon Clark
3rd = £15 Tony Williams
March 24
1st = £50 John Hills
2nd = £28 Kay Mileham
3rd = £15 Sharon Clark
February 24
1st = £50 Wendy Munday
2nd = £28 Geoff Cox
3rd = £15 Diana Ferguson
January 24
1st = £50 Nick Elms
2nd = £28 Paul West
3rd = £15 Chris Harwood
December 23
1st = £50 Diana Ferguson
2nd = £31 Mike O’Callaghan
3rd = £18 Gill Allan
November 23
1st = £50 Geoff Cox
2nd = £31 Tony Debling
3rd = £18 Glenis Harwood
October 23
1st = £50 Geoff Cox
2nd = £31 Gill Allan
3rd = £18 Gavid Vickers
September 23
1st = £50 Wendy Munday
2nd = £31 Martin Wicks
3rd = £18 John Hills